Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day at the Zoo.

Recently, after the oasis trip, I took a trip to the Giza Zoo, which at one time, was one rated the best zoo in the world in the 1930’s. The zoo even has a historical bridge that joins two areas of the zoo together that was designed and build by Mr. Eiffel himself, the same man that build the Eiffel tower in Paris, France. Also, the Giza zoo was claimed to be the best zoo in Africa, which I find ironic because to me, a zoo is place made so people who don’t live in Africa can visit and see the native African and other continental wildlife, such as the Nile Crocodile, in which hometowns in the U.S. and the world, not 100 yards from the Nile River itself, have. However, all this great history aside, the zoo now is quite sad and was recently removed from the international zoo associations membership for its lack of care for the animals and living conditions… Anyway, I had heard about the Giza zoo from a classmate of mine who had just went the previous week and had held a baby lion. My friend Jessica and I were determined that we too would hold a baby lion. So, now you can see from the pictures, that I am a man of my word and that I have held a baby lion, in Africa.


Unknown said...

I ask Kalea "What does a Lion say?" she responds "R-O-A-RRRRR".

Great photo Graf.

wutzit said...

yo yo mike looks like you have a hella good time just sayen yo. u still on myspace